Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 29 update

June 29th update:

Good couple of weeks work wise, lots of progress and still very much enjoying the people and culture of Vietnam. Tough couple of weeks on the home front though. One of my aunt's past away and it was difficult not being there for the family, fortunately my wonderful brother Dennis was there to help our mom and help represent the family and give support. Tough on mom though, she is the youngest of 9 siblings and its just her and one other sister left.. fortunately they are both in good health and the majority of the siblings and our grandmother lived well into their 90s. 

And back in Washington, Dawn is dealing with all the preparation of moving, garage sale and helping her parents and maybe worst of all...find
ing a home for our good friend and loving companion... Bubba. Through our good friends at the Northwest Bulldog Rescue group were able to find Bubs a good home nearby and yesterday morning Dawn had to make the heartbreaking hand off. Bulldogs because of their breathing issues (squashed face), aren't allowed on long flights and no one in the family or close circle could take him. Dawn very muc
h liked the people that will be his new family but I know how much it hurt her to say goodbye.

Times like this I feel so helpless and all alone, and guilty for not being there for my aunt's funeral and deserting Bubba and putting Dawn through having to do all of this work before leaving, including having to hand Bubba over. I know Bubba is not a loyal guy and probably especially at this age, will probably not know the difference and will adjust quickly, but I do love him.  It it has finally sunk in, that its final. Silly I know. Time to move on.

Besides with Dawn and Johnny back home I have gotten to Skype with Rhiannon and Maggie and my brother Dennis and I've been able to Skype call my mom's land line. Since she doesn't have a computer at least I can talk to her on the phone. And it saves me from having to write letters. What's a "letter"?. The first time I called her she couldn't believe it was me, good to sty in touch, it helps.

Have to stay busy and there is lots to do and I know Dawn will be here in about a month and it will be much easier and a heck of a lot more fun... together. I did find a house (villa is the proper term i guess); and if all goes well at the walk through today, I will be signing a contract and moving in Tuesday.

Walk thru went well, looks like I'll be moving in on Tuesday the first. No more hotel living except for trips to Hanoi and our trips to visit other parts of Vietnam and the surrounding countries. And speaking of Hanoi, I got invited to the Independence Day celebration at the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi which is on the third (for some reason). Time to dress up and mingle with the diplomats.

Enough for now, I'll add some random pics. Still can't get over the "motor-bikes" and how they get 4 or 5 people including kids transported around in the sea of motor-bike humanity (the streets). Many don't wear helmets, notice the kids in more than one of the pics w/o helmets... insane. Also note, I had dinner at the Texas Barbeque restaurant the  other night. Not half bad at all, the bbq ribs and chicken was quite good; notice the empty plate. Though I noted the beef was not from Texas but from Australia, hmmmm. They also have Mexican food, Pastas and Pizza and burgers...home away from home. I also added some pics of the house and one last parting shot from Bubba. 

1 comment:

  1. Love you so much. Looking forward to seeing our new home. Miss that Bubba tail - the house is so quiet without him.
